Our Farm

Farmcrest Foods is a unique family business - we operate a hatchery, feed mill and processing facility to ensure our products' quality and safety.

We grow a large portion of our feed ingredients such as, wheat, corn, soya bean, and canola on our farm in Salmon Arm. It is interesting to note that we are the only farm in B.C. to grow grain corn. This combination of operations allows us to closely monitor and control the quality and safety of our products through the food chain, from the hatching egg all the way through to becoming the food that you serve on your family’s table.

Our responsibility to our customers includes traceability of ingredients. Farmcrest Foods traces and follows materials, ingredients and products throughout our supply chain.


It all starts with the egg….

Newly hatched chicks are sustainably moved (just a few feet) from the hatchery to the barns on the farm for growing. Sensitive to their environment, these chickens are not kept in cages, but roam freely on floors covered with soft, dry bedding. They’re also given clean water and feed via feed systems and water lines that are checked daily to ensure unrestricted access. Our chickens are kept in climate-controlled barns to protect against the heat in summer, the cold in winter, as well as predators and disease. Heating, ventilation, humidity and other environmental levels are also checked and maintained consistently to ensure that the chickens are living comfortably and stress-free.

We give constant care and attention to the chicken’s health and feeding. We follow strict food safety protocol that is recognized by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. This ensures that we grow nothing but healthy and high-quality chickens.

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